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Album Now Available!
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Life as We Know It...
May 3, 2020
Life as we know it, or knew it, has definitely changed. We no longer can come and go as we please, at least not without some restrictions. The past two months have surely been something new for all of us and it will continue to be a challenge for us to navigate in the future. However, as children of God, we have faith and hope. We will continue believe that we will come out of this unprecedented time with the COVD-19 outbreak stronger as a people and stronger in our faith. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel some of our dates and there are still a few that are undetermined at this time. Our schedule is updated on this site and will continue to be updated as things change. We pray you are all doing well and staying safe. We love you! We will see you soon!

Our First Album is here!!!
June 3, 2019
We are so thrilled to announce that our debut album "Miracles"is finally here! Stay tuned! Soon you will be able to purchase through our website, on Facebook, and in person!

We are Finally Recording!!
September 21, 2018
We knew 2018 was going to be the year for us to finally get in the studio and record our debut album! In late July, we traveled to Nashville to lay down tracks and now we are (slowly but surely) recording vocals. Click 'Read More' for more information!
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